Dr. Sara Davidson is ready to improve your smile!
Dr. Sara Davidson is ready to improve your smile!


The mouth-body connection has a greater impact on overall health than you might realize.

Mayo Clinic has outlined this two-way connection: without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can cause oral infection and inflammation, which contributes to diseases and conditions throughout the rest of the body, including cardiovascular disease and pneumonia. In the other direction, conditions such as diabetes and osteoporosis are linked to gum disease and tooth / bone loss.
Make sure to stay up-to-date on your regular exams and cleanings in order to avoid painful, potentially costly issues within your mouth and throughout your body. Your oral health is a core part of your overall health and well-being!

Maintenance visits

Brushing and flossing aren't enough: office visits are critical to maintaining your oral health

Night guards

Protect your teeth from the painful effects of grinding with a custom-designed night guard

Other services available

→ Sealant placement

→ Placement of flouride varnish after cleanings

→ Prescription of extra-strength fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash

Time for your next maintenance visit? Schedule an appointment!